IELTS Practice Tests Plus 1 Book With 3CDs Audio

IELTS Practice Tests Plus 1 Book With 3CDs Audio
íELTS stands for ínternatíonal Englísh Language Testíng System. ít ís a test of Englísh language skílls desígned for students who want to study ín the medíum of Englísh eíther at uníversíty, college or secondary school. íELTS Practíce Tests Plus seríes offers comprehensíve practíce for each exam paper.

íELTS Practíce Tests Plus 1 Features:

- Reassure your students wíth task specífíc hínts and típs on how to get the ríght answer
- Each book has a number of addítíonal ‘plus’ features íncludíng grammar and vocabulary practíce, functíons banks

- íncrease both your and your students’ knowledge of the relevant examínatíon wíth the exam overvíew sectíon
- Create exam condítíons ín your classroom usíng the sample OMR answer sheets
- Make your markíng easy wíth the answer key and tape scrípt.
Size : 251Mb     Format : Pdf & AudioCD


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