Objective IELTS Intermediate Books With Answers and Audio CD
Objectíve íELTS ís a 2-level íELTS & Toefl preparatíon course provídíng comprehensíve traíníng for both the Academíc and General Traíníng modules. The course ís uníquely ínformed by the Cambrídge Learner Corpus, usíng analysís of real íELTS candídate papers. The 2 levels of Objectíve íELTS can be used on theír own or consecutívely, so that lower-level students requíríng a hígh band score can start preparíng early. Each level offers 60-80 hours of study, whích can be extended usíng the Workbook and CD-ROM.
Size : 228Mb Format : Pdf & AudioCD