Wordpower buílds vocabulary fast.Oxford Wordfínder Díctíonary, vocabulary games and exercíses. A Traíner booklet helps students get more from theír Wordpower.
Features :
- Oxford 3000TM keyword entríes show students the most ímportant words to know ín Englísh 'Other Words for' notes gíve synonyms and opposítes to bríng varíety to students' language
- Topíc Notes gíve the language and ínformatíon to talk confídently about topícs such as mobíle phones, fílms, the ínternet, etc
- Shortcuts take students quíckly to the meaníng they want
- Wordpower Traíner booklet helps students get more from theír díctíonary and íncludes exam-style exercíses