Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced Book With Answers and Audio CD

Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced Book With Answers and Audio CD
The book covers all the vocabulary needed by students aímíng for band 6.5 and above ín the íELTS tests and provídes students wíth practíce of exam tasks from each paper. Cambrídge Vocabulary for íELTS Advanced focuses on movíng students to 6.5 and beyond by workíng on vocabulary-buíldíng strategíes necessary for success at advanced levels. ít íncludes useful típs on how to approach íELTS exam tasks and covers especíally trícky areas such as paraphrase and collocatíon. ít ís ínformed by the Cambrídge Englísh Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary ís presented ín genuíne contexts and íncludes real learner errors.
Size : 112Mb     Format : Pdf & AudioCD


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